Create New Agent

If you are an owner/manager, you will see the ‘My Account’ tab at the top of the Travelsavers or NEST home page…

1) click on Agency Adminstration

2) click on ‘View Agent Information’

3) click on ‘Add New Agent’

4)  provide the information on the screen, some fields are mandatory.  (the username and password are prepopulated, they need to be changed

a) First Name

b) Last Name

c) UserName

d) Password

e) Email (not mandatory, but very useful)

5)  Also very important is the role of the agent… 98% of the time it’s just ‘Agent’. You will need to selection the Agent role from the list of available roles into the list of current roles.

6)  save button is at the very bottom, click that and you are done.