Agent Edge Images

§  Home page Hero images   (Umbraco : Content > Travelsavers sites > Agents Edge > Volume x > Hero Banner Images). Kailey I may have had this path wrong in previous thread). JPG / 1920 x1280 <450K . Try and keep these <450K if possible but def <800K max.

§  All pages top banner (Image type: Banner)  JPG / 1600 x800 < 400K  Updated in Umbraco: Images/video tab of individual pages. For pages like Hotel News and On Demand Learning added using Create Article Image in its “Images folder”.

§  All pages footer (image type: Bottom banner)   JPG / 1600 x800 < 400K  Updated in Umbraco: Images/video tab of individual pages. For pages like Hotel News and On Demand Learning added using Create Article Image in  its “Images folder”.

§  Article small image (image type: Article) JPG / 800 x600 <300KArticle wide image JPG (Added as content image)  1000 x400 <300K  

§  More in this volume Image (Image Type: Square) JPG / 800 x600 <300K

§  Supplier Spotlight image for homepage panel (Image Type: Square) from article JPG / 800 x600 <300KHotel News  (image type: Article)  JPG / 800 x600 <300KHotel News  (image type: Logo) White background JPG or transparent PNG / max-width: 300px

§  Bottom ads (image type: Article)  560x150 / Jpg < 300K  Added to Bottom Article Ads folder

§  Right Column ads. 300 x250/JPG < 300K (Not sure where these are uploaded?)